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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:48 pm

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i noticed today and confirmed with a friend who is on the page that it seems that people can no longer "like" or comment on any posting i make to event listings, like the one i made above---the only option they have is to share it. I was messing about with some of the settings a couple of days ago but I don't see how any of those would have affected this, and in any case I've tried to not restrict anything on the page (even though I had before and people still were able to respond/like the videos i post, among other things), and still, nothing.

I'm at a loss--does anyone know how to correct this, or have any ideas how i might? Thank you so much in advance!

Last edited by tigerblood on Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:00 pm

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here's a screenshot--notice how you can't post a reply or "like" the videos--the only option is to "share" them. Can't figure out what i've done wrong!

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Admin Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:23 pm

The White Stripes Love Love Seven Nation Army!

Links you or your guests post on your event can only be shared. Only posts can be commented and liked. Wink

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Ultimate SN Fan

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:39 pm

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sorry, could you explain further? because previously users definitely COULD comment/like links that I posted. screenshot shown above--people have clearly "liked" my posting, but now that option has been removed somehow. bizarre. i don't understand why it's seemingly changed?

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Admin Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:57 pm

I created an event, posted a link, couldn't like or comment on it. Tried with a friend's event, same result: links only have a Share button.

I'm not seeing those links on your event, even if I click the "Older posts" link. All I see is 3 videos, all of them with just a "Share" button, and there are no settings to change that...
Ultimate SN Fan

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:02 pm

"i created an event, posted a link, couldn't like or comment on it. Tried with a friend's event, same result: links only have a Share button."

you mention this as if you weren't aware of how it would have been previously--it's not an accusation or anything, i just want to be clear whether you're simply testing it now or if you knew whether you could previously like/comment on videos/other links posted to an event.

"I'm not seeing those links on your event, even if I click the "Older posts" link. All I see is 3 videos, all of them with just a "Share" button, and there are no settings to change that..."

you were the one who first referred to the videos I posted as links (although, of course, they are) i'm confused when you say "all i see are 3 videos". i didn't upload the videos, they're links to youtube videos. and as shown in the second example, people were previously able to "like" them (as three did with the "fire in your new shoes" link). now (as also shown, since there's no "like" option next to them anymore) people can NO LONGER like/comment on them, where they could previously. seemingly whatever change happened also got applied retroactively to previous events.

do you get where I'm coming from, now? something seemingly has changed. i'm trying to determine whether it was something i changed or facebook itself screwing around with people's ability to like/comment on event links. I couldn't see why they would take away this sort of functionality.


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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Admin Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:20 pm

tigerblood wrote:you mention this as if you weren't aware of how it would have been previously--it's not an accusation or anything, i just want to be clear whether you're simply testing it now or if you knew whether you could previously like/comment on videos/other links posted to an event.
I wasn't aware of this, but still tried to help. If I create an event though, which is exactly the same as the one you've created, the settings should be the same and the problem could be reproduced elsewhere.

If I CAN'T comment/like a link in YOUR event, if I CAN'T comment/like a link in MY event, and if I CAN'T comment/like a link on a FRIEND'S event, it means that NOBODY can like/comment a link on your event.

As for that second screenshot of yours, I can't see those links (Rihanna and Kaskade) ANYWHERE on your event, so I don't know how you expect me to verify how those people managed to like them if I can't even see them. What I believe is that those links were posted in your page and then shared in a profile/page, and those people liked them there, because neither "Jennifer Julie", nor "Hanna Draper", nor "Jamie Cheveldeyoff" seem to be guests in your event.

tigerblood wrote:you were the one who first referred to the videos I posted as links (although, of course, they are) i'm confused when you say "all i see are 3 videos". i didn't upload the videos, they're links to youtube videos. and as shown in the second example, people were previously able to "like" them (as three did with the "fire in your new shoes" link). now (as also shown, since there's no "like" option next to them anymore) people can NO LONGER like/comment on them, where they could previously. seemingly whatever change happened also got applied retroactively to previous events.
Again. How can I verify that? THAT LINK CAN'T BE SEEN IN YOUR EVENT FROM MY ACCOUNT. Nothing could have changed because there are NO SETTINGS for posts in Events!

Someone else may want to help out with your settings problem or whatever, I'm out of here.
Ultimate SN Fan

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:42 pm

The Listener wrote:
tigerblood wrote:you mention this as if you weren't aware of how it would have been previously--it's not an accusation or anything, i just want to be clear whether you're simply testing it now or if you knew whether you could previously like/comment on videos/other links posted to an event.
I wasn't aware of this, but still tried to help. If I create an event though, which is exactly the same as the one you've created, the settings should be the same and the problem could be reproduced elsewhere.

If I CAN'T comment/like a link in YOUR event, if I CAN'T comment/like a link in MY event, and if I CAN'T comment/like a link on a FRIEND'S event, it means that NOBODY can like/comment a link on your event.

understood. seemingly it's that facebook has changed their settings regarding the ability to like/comment on links posted within events.

As for that second screenshot of yours, I can't see those links (Rihanna and Kaskade) ANYWHERE on your event, so I don't know how you expect me to verify how those people managed to like them if I can't even see them. What I believe is that those links were posted in your page and then shared in a profile/page, and those people liked them there, because neither "Jennifer Julie", nor "Hanna Draper", nor "Jamie Cheveldeyoff" seem to be guests in your event.

i'm not sure how you came to that conclusion. they were all confirmed guests to the event, which shouldn't even be an issue (you have always been able to comment on an event as long as you've been able to see it (either through invitation or it simply being an open event). in any case, as i mention, /they were guests/ and the links were posted to the event itself--i didn't post a screenshot of the entire event page because i didn't assume you thought i was a complete moron who doesn't understand the difference between an event page and my general fan page. yes, those links were on the *event* page. i don't need you (or anyone) to verify that, i'm keenly aware of it.

tigerblood wrote:you were the one who first referred to the videos I posted as links (although, of course, they are) i'm confused when you say "all i see are 3 videos". i didn't upload the videos, they're links to youtube videos. and as shown in the second example, people were previously able to "like" them (as three did with the "fire in your new shoes" link). now (as also shown, since there's no "like" option next to them anymore) people can NO LONGER like/comment on them, where they could previously. seemingly whatever change happened also got applied retroactively to previous events.
Again. How can I verify that? THAT LINK CAN'T BE SEEN IN YOUR EVENT FROM MY ACCOUNT. Nothing could have changed because there are NO SETTINGS for posts in Events!

Someone else may want to help out with your settings problem or whatever, I'm out of here.

i never asked you to verify it? why are you getting upset? i asked if anyone had an idea how either i a) might have accidentally messed up people's ability to like/comment on links posted to events (which seemingly isn't the issue, as you say that it seems to be that way with all events now) or b) whether facebook has changed that ability on their own (for whatever bizarre reason)--which /does/ seem to be the case.

if anyone else can weigh in on this, please do.

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Tim Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:20 am

Would you mind providing a link to where content posted by events are 'likeable'? Thanks

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Tim Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:36 pm

Moved from Group/Fan Page/Event Support to Awaiting Reply.

There have been no replies or contributions on this thread for several days. Do you still require help?

If you do not reply to this thread within the next 3 days, we will assume you have abandoned your request for help, and this thread will be moved to the Abandoned Topics section without further notice.

If you are not the thread starter, please do not post for any help or support on this thread.

Thanks for your co-operation and understanding!

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by tigerblood Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:36 pm

Tim---the evidence is in the pictures i posted--clearly the links were liked, you can see that people have liked them--even though it seems that functionality has since been taken away, as there's no "like" option anymore.

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

Post by Tim Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:11 pm

You're right, it seems that, for whatever reason, the ability to 'Like' links posted in events have now been removed.

I don't usually create events so I can't confirm myself whether liking links in events did or didn't exist, but from the screenshot that certainly seems like the case

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People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings! Empty Re: People (myself included) can no longer "like"/comment on my event info postings!

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