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Email Addresses

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Email Addresses Empty Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Wed May 12, 2010 11:24 pm

This has happened twice now. I go to facebook and I'm told that my email address is no longer valid. The first time I can to an extent understand that, our host had been down for almost a day after one of their data centers dropped off the internet, but it just happened again and this time I KNOW there's been no problems with my host.

And yes, it's a personal email address, not "webmaster@" or "info@" or something generic like that.

I want to know how you decide if an email address is working or not, and what criteria causes the email address to flag as not valid, because there seems to be absolutely no reason why it would do so on this occasion. I'm not prepared to validate my email address time after time after time just because some automated system decides it's not working. It IS working, if I change my primary email address, facebook will be informed, and I do not expect to be accused of breaking the rules each time I go to log in.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Tim Thu May 13, 2010 1:50 am

Hi snitter.the.rat,

May I remind you that we are not affiliated with in any way. See [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] .

Are you able to validate it though when it asks you to do so?

Also make sure your email provider is not treating emails from facebook as spam.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Thu May 13, 2010 1:58 am

Oh... hrm, okay, still be interested if anyone here knows what criteria they use.

And yes, I can immediately re-validate, and the validation email doesn't get blocked, so I can't see it being that.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Tim Thu May 13, 2010 2:03 am

Well according to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] facebook says they will ask you to update your email address if your email provider is treating any facebook emails as spam (not just the validation one). Does notification emails from facebook go your junk/spam?

Of interest, the email address you're using isn't hotmail,yahoo, or the common free ones, right?

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Thu May 13, 2010 2:09 am

I don't know how it could determine what was treated as spam and what wasn't - surely either there would be no message or a bounce message (an SMTP failure) and there definitely isn't that.

Normally if the email goes down for any period of time, nothing is generated back to the sender, it just isn't collectable for a while, but even then I haven't seen any problems in the last 48 hours and it wasn't saying the address was invalid yesterday.

And no, it's a domain I own privately, it's not any of the normal free ones.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Ruby Sun May 23, 2010 2:10 pm

Do we have any update on this; if not I will lock and move it ;thanks
Ultimate SN Fan

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 2:37 pm

Nobody has come up with any ideas, if that's what you mean. The problem still exists, but if nobody can help then nobody can help I guess.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Ruby Sun May 23, 2010 2:48 pm

Lets try this; the email address you have chosen to use with Facebook..

Does it work with normal communication? Have you actually tested it and is it used with Outlook Express or Outlook?

Have you again tried to log into Facebook with it?
Ultimate SN Fan

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 2:57 pm

It works fine, and most of the time it's fine with facebook. I get notifications, I get wall-to-wall postings email alerts... and then for some reason at random it will complain "This email address is no longer valid, facebook needs you to revalidate it."

I have it set up with Windows Mail, and I also have my mobile phone polling it for new email every half hour.

Incidentally, each time it says the address is no longer valid, I click the revalidate link and it normally sends me the revalidation email within 5-10 seconds. It's just very annoying for it to keep spamming me, and I wish I knew what criteria it uses to determine if an email address is valid or not.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Tim Sun May 23, 2010 5:01 pm

Hm, could you try changing your email address that is associated with facebook to another provider (such as one of the common ones eg. hotmail, yahoo, gmail) and see if the problem persists?
I'm wondering if perhaps there is a glitch on your account (internally on facebook's end, of course).

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 5:05 pm

I can try but it seems a little silly to have a complete post office at my disposal only for a maintstream site to do weird things to it...

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Tim Sun May 23, 2010 5:21 pm

snitter.the.rat wrote:I can try but it seems a little silly to have a complete post office at my disposal only for a maintstream site to do weird things to it...
Agreed Tongue
But let's just try that temporarily to see where we end up at Happy

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 5:25 pm

I'll have to give it a few days, possibly up to a week to see if it does the validation thing again, I can never predict when it's going to do that. I've changed to a hotmail address.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Ruby Sun May 23, 2010 5:51 pm

Of interest, by what method do you do the revalidation; is it on computer or by the Mobile devise?
Ultimate SN Fan

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 5:57 pm

On the computer normally. It really doesn't matter, either is done through the same server, it's just easier on the computer than on a fiddly mobile.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Ruby Sun May 23, 2010 6:14 pm

Now you have changed the email address do let us know if you still get 'spammed' by Facebook.....

Of interest, how many email addresses do you have associated with Facebook ?
Ultimate SN Fan

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by snitter.the.rat Sun May 23, 2010 6:18 pm

One. And it's not the spam in terms of email that annoys me, it's being spammed by a message telling me that my email address is no longer valid when I go to the facebook page.

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

Post by Ruby Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:42 pm

May we have an update on this within 3 days or the thread will be Locked ;thanks
Ultimate SN Fan

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Email Addresses Empty Re: Email Addresses

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