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Wrongly reported spam

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Wrongly reported spam Empty Wrongly reported spam

Post by kinipela614 Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:48 pm

I did the same thing earlier, accidentally clicked report spam instead of a different button and the message just disappeared. Since it sounds like no one has realized this could be a problem or maybe there should be a warning, I would like to know if this does anything negative to the other person I was messaging? Since I reported a message with them as spam will it stop me from messaging them or stop them from replying to me or anything?
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Wrongly reported spam Empty Re: Wrongly reported spam

Post by Ruby Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:10 am

Post split from other topic
Ultimate SN Fan

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Wrongly reported spam Empty Re: Wrongly reported spam

Post by Ruby Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:23 pm

Moved from Profile and in Box to awaiting reply


There have been no replies to your topic for over a week. Do you still need help with it? In order to keep the Help section fresh, we need to know if your problem was solved, or if you still need help with it. If you don't reply within the next 3 days, we'll assume your issue was solved, and this thread will be Moved to the Solved section without further notice .


Ultimate SN Fan

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Wrongly reported spam Empty Re: Wrongly reported spam

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